
About ClimaEuro

ClimaEuro is a company settled in Italy specialized in designing and production of air handling units for comfort, hygienic and customizable applications and systems for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning applications.

With a worldwide commercial network, ClimaEuro is able to provide professional and qualified design and support, high quality and defect free products, punctual service after sales.

The presence in the market, the experience accumulated, the focus to customizable solution and the continuous research and technical development make ClimaEuro a top player in the world as HVAC solution provider.

The desire to follow the ongoing technological developments and to conform to them, puts ClimaEuro among the best companies able to be introduced into worldwide markets for quality, flexibility and support.

This is confirmed by the continuous expansion into new markets, the growing satisfaction of customers and the sales volumes in significant annual growth.

The labor flexibility, the careful analysis of the continuous and constant updating , the importance of R&D and the resources devoted to it, along with decades of experience in the field of air conditioning, provide a guarantee of high quality products.

Air Handling Units :

Climaeuro RAH Air Handling Units have been designed to satisfy the specific requirements in air conditioning and heating, for comfort and special application as hospital, industrial, alimentary and pharmaceutical applications. The range is composed by 35 models, with single or double fans, covering an airflow range from 1.000 m3/h to 200.000 m3/h.

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Fan Coil Units :

The fan coil GEM is the result of a decade of experience in the field of air treatment. Particular attention was paid to make the installation easier, thanks to the inside panels. The design, quiet operation, versatility, reliability, quality of components and the wide range of accessories available, grant excellent performance features both on heating and cooling in any environment.

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Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit High static

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Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit Low static

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Close Control Units :

Maintaining a constant temperature, purity and humidity of air is essential for ensuring a stable environment for critical electronic and computer equipment, this is why there is the need for close control air conditioning. Unlike comfort air conditioning, close control systems must operate constantly 24/7 requiring high reliability and minimal power consumption.

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