The Blue Duct

Go Underground with Confidence

A self-insulated, direct-burial air duct system, The Blue Duct offers fast and easy installation with problem-free, long-life performance.

  • Exclusively engineered for use underground

  • Durable HDPE material

  • Noncorrosive, mold- and radon-resistant

  • Air- and water-tight seal

  • Engineering and CAD services

  • Meets underground code standards

Underground Duct Made Easy. Proven to Last.

AQC Industries is a leading manufacturer and innovator of The BlueDuct® underground air duct systems for heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC). The Blue Duct is the only proven, direct-burial underground duct system made from ultra-durable, advanced HDPE (high-density polyethylene). The products are engineered to protect against corrosion, mold and mildew, radon, rust, water and air leaks. The BlueDuct systems have been installed in thousands of buildings, for over a decade, with trouble-free, long-term performance.

The Blue Duct Features

  1. Direct-burial system, requires no insulation, drain tile or cement trench structures

  2. Complete underground system to finished floor

  3. Low-friction surface

  4. Resists mildew, mold and radon

  5. Self-insulated for R-10-equivalent performance

  6. No PVC coating or potential for corrosion

  7. Does not emit VOCs or toxic gases

  8. Post installation leak testing ensures air- and water-tight seal

  9. Meets code standards for underground ductwork and below-flood installation

  10. Approved for 265°F in UL 181 High Temperature Test

  11. Industry-leading warranty

  12. Advanced HDPE material

  13. Entire duct system with uniform construction

The Blue Duct Benefits

  1. Fast and easy installation

  2. Won’t corrode, leak, rust or crush

  3. Long-lasting, problem-free performance

  4. Can contribute toward LEED® points

  5. Provides energy savings

  6. Readily available for fast shipment

  7. Engineering and CAD support services

  8. Knowledgeable distributor and representatives located throughout North America

  9. Certified installers and contractor certification installation training

  10. Limited Warranty

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